Conditions of transport

The Local Public Transport (LPT) is provided by the company Alilaguna S.p.A. in compliance with the enclosed ‘Conditions of carriage’. Passengers using the service of Alilaguna are asked to observe and comply with these General Condition of Transport to enable that the LPT can function with the maximum security and punctuality. As well as the General Conditions listed below they are also requested to adhere to any notices posted or verbal requests made by Alilaguna or their personnel. Passengers are also obliged to comply with the rules and regulations dictated by Italian legislation, of the Veneto Region and other relevant authorities.


The provision and correct use of tickets

Passengers using the service of the Alilaguna transport must by law (art. 37 of L.R. 30/10/1998 No.25 subsequent modifications and additions) be in possession of a valid ticket for the full duration of their journey. By this it is intended from when the passenger boards the vehicle until they disembark, except in the below circumstances. The ticket must be purchased prior to boarding the vehicle from the Alilaguna ticket office, authorized vendors or available automatic ticket machines. Received tickets have to be checked by the customer, wrong tickets must be immediately reported at the ticket office. Once in possession of a ticket and before boarding the vehicle, passengers must validate the ticket using the appropriate machine. If these are not available or not working then the passenger must present their ticket to the inspectors or crew when boarding. A voucher has to be used within 24 months from purchase date. Only exception is in case of a service booked on a specific date, which will be the only one valid for voucher use. The ticket must be retained for the entire journey; it is not transferable and must be presented when requested by Alilaguna member of staff or other authorized personnel. The ticket is valid until the passenger disembarks unless:

  • Round trip tickets, which allow passenger to use the return journey within 30 days from the validation of the ticket. Tickets must be validated again on the day of the return journey.
  • 24 or 72 hour valid tickets, allows the passenger to change, use different routes and multiples Alilaguna lines, as long as this is within the time limit of the ticket purchased. Validity starts upon ticket issue.


Conditions for using passes

The Alilaguna pass allows access to the routes and/or networks for which it is issued. The pass is strictly personal, which means it cannot be transferred, and it cannot be used as a means of payment. It is issued at Alilaguna ticket windows at the traveller’s request by filling in the form with the passenger’s personal information and other requested information, including any necessary certificates. For a list of ticket windows, see (CLICK HERE) All lines and hours can be consulted on the Alilaguna website, (CLICK HERE) The pass is valid for the period indicated on it; this may be monthly or annually and it starts on the first day of the month in which it was purchased. When the pass expires, the holder may purchase a new one without the need to fill in the form again. The current prices and types of passes are those approved by the relevant entities according to Veneto Regional law. See the current rates. (CLICK HERE) For passengers with a Venezia Unica card with valid Actv subscription, a reduced rate is available for the Alilaguna ‘Rete Alilaguna Integrato’ as determined by provisions set out by the relevant authorities and as described in the General Conditions. Verification and checks: The pass must be shown when requested for verification and checks by the Alilaguna service staff or delegated personnel. Passengers without a valid ticket or anyone using it incorrectly may be subject to administrative sanctions as established by the company providing the service, in addition to paying the entire amount of the ticket. Pass holders whose pass has been lost or stolen must immediately notify the relevant office by phone on +39 041.2401701, via email at, or at points of sale equipped to issue passes, such that the personnel responsible for checking tickets are promptly aware of the event. Following the report of theft or loss, the passenger may request and receive a new pass with the same validity as the pass that was lost or stolen. In the event of damaged passes due to the holder’s negligence, a new copy of the pass must be requested by writing to or, if this is not possible, by submitting a written request at authorized points of sale.


Alilaguna Liabilities

Alilaguna assumes no liability for any delays and/or failure to perform total or partial, and/or suspension or interruption of the service LPT, due to force de majeure, public safety, causes beyond their control for example strikes whether of not pre-announced, public disturbances, particular conditions of high tide (110 cm a.s.l.), natural disasters, actions by the competent Authority. Any temporary detours (change of route) decided by the Local Competent Authorities will not cause any cost changes to passengers and /or right to refund or compensation. Where there is a service interruption of LPT due to mechanical failure, Alilaguna is committed to restore the normal service as soon as possible. The carrier’s liability is governed by the Art 1681 of the Italian Civil Code. The carrier is liable only during the duration of the journey, until the passenger disembark the vehicle. Alilaguna is not responsible for eventual damages caused by behaviours in violation of these Conditions of Carriage.


Passengers with mobility problems

The LPT service is also accessible by people with reduced mobility on the appropriate, adapted vehicles in accordance with the law, using the specially equipped spaces onboard. In the application of law 17 of the Statuto of Comune di Venezia access on board is allowed, on every route, to a maximum of 1 wheelchair of standard model. Access to LPT for people with reduced mobility may anyway be limited by the cabin crew for safety reasons and/or in case of too crowded boat.


Transportation of Objects and/or animals

Transportation of luggage and/or objects

Bags or other objects can be transported with the following conditions:

  • every traveller equipped with a regular ticket, may carry free of charge 1 small hand luggage (purse or backpack or computer bag) and 1 suitcase to a maximum sum of 160 cm (height, width, depth);
  • for luggage, parcels or other items such as musical instruments, skis, etc larger than dimensions described above, passenger is required to purchase an additional ticket for each piece, at cost of € 3,00. Purchase has to be settled before embarkation at one of our ticket offices;
  • can be carried free of charge per passenger one of the following items: shopping trolley (with dimensions above), baby prams and folded pushchairs for children.
  • luggage including backpacks and parcels must be laid on the ground and in the designated areas stated by on board crew so as not to cause inconvenience to other passengers. They cannot be placed on seats or otherwise preventing access to them;
  • it is forbidden the transport of hazardous materials or bad smelling items which may contaminate the vehicle or disturb other passengers.

Alilaguna S.p.A. is not responsible for the theft or loss of passengers personal belonging, luggage and /or their content during the journey or whilst waiting for the vehicle. All objects eventually found will be kept for a maximum period of 48 hours and, unless expressively claimed, will be taken per law, to the Local Council offices of Comune di Venezia.
Considering the particular characteristics of transport of people and goods within the Venetian lagoon, and kind of boats, Alilaguna vehicles allow this under the special conditions set by Alilaguna and according to the tariff rules. The goods must be packed in suitable containers and can be transported on trolleys, without causing damage and/or discomfort to other passengers and result in damage to the Alilaguna vehicle. In case of particular crowded boats or when transport itself compromises passengers security, transport of luggage and/or objects may be restricted or excluded by the head of command or by Alilaguna personnel, at their sole and unquestionable discretion.

Transport of animals

Are allowed free of charges with a maximum of one per passenger:

  • Guide dogs must be muzzled.
  • Small, medium or large dog size as long as held in passenger arms and muzzled.
  • Other small animals (cats, birds, etc..) provided they are in containers, cages or any other containers to a maximum sum of 160 cm. The passenger is required to purchase an additional ticket for each piece.
    The cages and containers must prevent, even accidentally, physical contact with the outside during transport and must be kept so as not to cause any discomfort and /or damage to people or objects.

The transport of such animals (except guide dogs) may be legally restricted or excluded if in the crew opinion the vehicle is crowded or if the transport itself endangers the safety of other passengers. The person accompany the animal is completely responsible for any damages caused to people or objects as a direct or indirect consequence of the animal’s behaviour.


Safety standards, restrictions and penalties

For everything not specifically mentioned below and regarding Police, security and regulations of the transport services the law DRP No.753 of 11/07/1980 will apply. Passengers must take every precaution necessary for their own safety, as well as that of any person, animal or objects they are responsible for. Transport can be refused by Alilaguna personnel in the case of overcrowding or when the safety of other people onboard is in question. Staff can deny boarding to passengers who are drunk and disorderly, who are not adhering to the General Conditions of transport, disturbing other passengers, without reimbursement. Passengers are required to give up their seat to other passengers with disabilities, as well as the elderly, pregnant women and passengers with children. It is allowed to speak to the crew only regarding information related to the service, or incidents such as illnesses, harassment and mechanical issues. It is forbidden for all passengers and will be punishable by the law, the following violations:

  • To board the vehicle without a valid ticket.
  • Getting on and off the vehicle from unauthorized access or locations other than those prescribed, and when the vehicle is moving.
  • To occupy more than one seat or obstruct exits or passengers , and not following the instructions of company personnel.
  • To open the windows of the vehicle, if it disturbs other users.
  • Throwing objects from windows.
  • Leaning out the windows with the vehicle in motion.
  • To smoke onboard, at platforms and on company premises.
  • To operate, except in case of serious and imminent danger, the opening of doors, as well as any device installed on emergency vehicles and as such highlighted.
  • To cause damage of any kind or nature to the vehicle or the company premises.
  • To leave in the company premises or transport vehicles cylinders of compressed gases, liquefied or solvents, any kind of explosive, harmful or corrosive materials.
  • Access to the vehicle with prohibited animals, weapons, material, objects which due to their volume, shape or nature, may result in being dangerous for travellers and/or harm the passengers.
  • To distract the staff while driving the vehicle, to prevent or hinder them in carrying out their functions and ask to get on or off the vehicle in a place other than the established as a designated stop.
  • To sing, platy, shout to act in an inappropriate or harassing way, such as to cause discomfort or annoyance to others.
  • To board the vehicle in a state of intoxication, physical or mental conditions that do not allow the proper use of the service or risk harming himself and others.
  • To exercise any commercial activity, distribute or post printed articles or advertisement purposes, without authorization from Alilaguna.
  • To board the vehicle with indecent clothing or signs of contagious diseases that may damage or cause annoyance to the other passengers. Except in cases of emergency.


Travel tickets and passes validity checks on board

Onboard the regularity of the travel in controlled by Alilaguna S.p.A. by the personnel on board and by company inspectors, equipped with uniforms and company identification badges. Company inspectors also carry spot checks during the journey. In the case where an irregularity is detected (for example: no ticket, already used ticket, ticket price is no longer valid, forgotten transport pass etc..) the passenger will be invited to purchase the ticket at ordinary fare with the addition of extra € 1,00 for each ticket. In the event that you refuse to pay the staff of Alilaguna S.p.A, after having informed the competent local authorities will invite to disembark at the first pier available.


Venezia Unica / Imob card and reductions

Imob cardholders are eligible for the reduced rate called “Carta Venezia”. To be eligible for a reduction it is compulsory to present the card at the ticket office. Children under 6 years of age are entitle to free transport. On some routes there is a reduced rate for groups of at least 20 people with no luggage. The VENEZIA UNICA/IMOB card must be shown at the moment of purchase of a reduced ticket or a subscription; this applies also at a later moment when required by an Alilaguna employee. For detailed information please contact the Alilaguna’s headquarters.



In the event of complaints and/or comments regarding the public transport service provided by Alilaguna SpA, passengers should:
a) go to the first available Alilaguna ticket office as soon as possible and ask for the appropriate "customer complaint" form 
b) hand in the completed form or send it to the following email address: 

Alternatively passengers may complete the form on-line at the internet site
Alilaguna will carry out the necessary checks. Having established whether the complaint is justified, Alilaguna will contact the customer at the address they have provided. 
Claims will not be deemed valid in the following circumstances:
• if the written complaint is made more than 15 days after the date of the journey concerned;
• if the "Customer Complaint" form is not completed legibly, correctly and clearly in every part.


Requests for refunds

Refunds for Alilaguna tickets, limited to the cost of the ticket, will only be provided in the following situations:
- suspension of the service due to severe negligence by the company without providing at least 60 minutes advance warning to the user by posting the notification on the Alilaguna website or at the landing stages on the Alilaguna service route;
- delays of more than 60 minutes due to severe negligence by the company;
- breakdown of the vessel during the journey if Alilaguna has not succeeded in ensuring arrival at the destination with less than 60 minutes' delay;

Refunds may be requested by completing the "customer complaint" form and handing it into one of the Alilaguna ticket offices or by sending it to the following email address:, or by completing the appropriate form online ("customer complaint" form) within 15 days of the date of the journey that is subject to complaint.
All requests for refunds must be accompanied by a copy of the ticket for the journey or, in the event of requests made by completing the on-line form, the copy should be sent by email to
In the event of ticket purchases from the Alilaguna website, the refund will only be made by bank transfer and under no circumstances can a refund be obtained immediately at the Alilaguna ticket office. 
In the event of online ticket voucher purchases, the refund will only be made using the same payment system used by the user to buy the voucher.
If the request for refund is accepted, Alilaguna will arrange payment in the shortest possible time and in any case within 30 days of the date of Alilaguna's decision regarding the claim.
For purchases made online by means of the issue of a voucher, refunds will not be made except in the situations indicated above.
